Monday, March 29, 2010

Home Improvements...

Let's start with the living room...we have a total of 4 recessed lights with a basic white border around the light. We saw these at Home Depot with a more decorative finish and decided to splurge while we were getting lighting for the baby's room and the office and get these as well..

Here's the look on the lights...

Moving on to the office, here's the border. Really cute and we would have kept it if were having a boy (not that girls can't like trucks:) but in terms of office chic, it's a huge miss.
Here is the progress (actually since this pic, I finished removing it throughout the entire room). We purchased a wall paper removal tool that basically punctures holes in the wallpaper so that your solvent can get through it. Turns out that we didn't need it, in fact, if they hadn't painted up past the chair rail, I could have peeled it off in one peice but it was sticking to the blue paint. I used a putty knife and and some water and it peeled/scraped right off. We are still deciding on the I think we're thinking one main color and then using white in between the chair rail borders...

The floor.....

This is the lighting fixture that is in both spare rooms...everything in this house is gold! Ugh. So we are slowly replacing things as we go....

This is the new fixture for the baby's room and the office.

Here's the most updated pic of the baby's room. We're really happy with the color, it was exactly what we were hoping for. M did a great job painting and didn't get any yellow paint on the white edging! Bravo! We painted our bedroom in our last apt and the edging went nowhere near as smoothly....we can't figure out why but bygones I guess...

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