Monday, January 14, 2008

Wedding Minutae

There has been virtually no knitting as of late between being too busy at work to take a lunch and wedding planning activities on the weekends that have taken up all of our time.

On M's sweater I have joined the arms to the body and started the decreases for the shoulders (after begging for help from two fellow bloggers because the directions are somewhat murky). The directions suddenly started talking about the average shoulder width of 14 but never said where to measure from...which made me panic because M's shoulders are bigger than 14 and then my stitches would be way off. I emailed someone who also had blogged about the Saddle Shoulder Sweater and she said to measure basically where bra straps would hit. After a futile attempt at getting M to try a bra on for precision (haha), I estimate that his shoulder width at that point is 15 so I'm basically on track, I just decided to cut out some of the decreases.

Saturday was a salon day...initially a salon and make up day until they had no record of me in their books as coming in that day for anythign so the make up person was not scheduled that day. Someone else did my hair other than who I was booked with, which is fine because that person cut my hair once and I didn't like the cut. I liked the back of my hair but wanted to change a few things around the front...more hair around my face, and an overall less constructed hair style, more loose and messily pulled back. I have to go back on Wednesday for the makeup and I am toying with the idea of coming in for another try at the hairstyle since this wasn't exactly what I wanted. As the day wore on I liked it less and less. I did learn that I can loosen my curls by curling was the straightest I had ever seen my hair, I was thinking I could just wear it like that. Several people stopped over to say how great it looked so it wasn't just me being mesmerized by such a drastic difference. That alone was worth the $60.

After that M picked me up and we went to scope out things for our registry with my fantastic hairdo which got old really fast. We finally got home around 10pm and had to turn down and invite to watch the Pat's game over at a friends house.

Yesterday we watched E while his parents saw Sweeney Todd. Everything except the last five minutes was fine including one feeding and two diaper changes. M was very good with him and E was seemingly entranced by M's elbow and beard. But wow, the energy that was spent on trying to keep him from crying....every little tickle just kept us teetering on the brink of a breakdown. Of course, S and A came home and A puts him on her lap and he's out like a light.

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