Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Flying with Babes

I am in a wedding next week....uber excited for being home with family and attending said wedding but uber NOT excited to fly with an infant. Everyone tells me to enjoy this time when she's nonmobile, but man, we are dreading it.

There's so much to bring and then there's the worry that she'll be THAT kid on the plane, the one that cries from take off till landing. We're planning on bringing the bjorn for walking around in the airport, checking the car seat plane side, and holding her on our laps. The only problems is that she really doesn't like that. She prefers to be walked around. With me, she prefers to look over my shoulder, with M she prefers to be held in a seated position so she can look around. I foresee lots of walking up and down the aisles with her...

I am also not enthused about breast feeding (even with a shield) in public. I haven't done it up until this point, we use expressed milk whenever we go to a friends or we have company (for the most part). But it seems that feeding her with the boob is going to be the easiest way to go because I don't have to lug my pump, cooler, inventive ice pack (ice packs are not allowed, people suggested using frozen fruit).

Hopefully she will be very tired that day and will sleep most of the flight. I should say flights, we have a 2.5 hour flight, lay over, and then another hour flight. Ugh...

1 comment:

  1. Have fun at the wedding...Hopefully if she does start fussing, the people on your flight might be the understanding type.


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