Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Freedom Begins!

I write this as I sit, completely relaxed on my couch watching M play baseball on the Xbox with a cat stretched across my lap. Normally, I would be halfway through my Tuesday night class, trying not to fall asleep.

Today was my first day of my school free schedule, I kept my hours at 30 so I have Tue/Fri off. I accomplished a lot today, but not everything on the list. Here's what I did:
  • Treadmill
  • Called various pediatrician offices
  • Studied for 3 hours at the library
  • Lunch at home
  • Grocery shopping
  • Made dinner (MIL's mac and cheese recipe)

This weekend was also enjoyable. We celebrated my newfound freedom by spending the day in Cape Ann. We took the scenic way up and meandered around the towns for the day (till my back started hurting and we had to call it quits). We then arrived home to find a surprise gift from M...a Canon Speedlite 430 EX II! I really want to brush on my photography skills for the babies arrival. I want to be able to take some great photos and really wanted the fill flash because I'm sure the bulk of our time will initially be spent indoors and a harsh flash isn't flattering for anyone, even the world's cutest baby. I'll post some pics soon that I took illustrating the regular camera flash vs the fill flash. You can really see the difference.

Here are some pics that I took on Cape Ann this weekend...


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring is...springing

I know it's Spring because our seasonlly non-denominational welcome mat has made it's appearance! Gone is the snowman and the autumn leaves. I do look forward to their appearance every year, but come February, I yearn to see this one! Talk to me in July, I'll be looking forward to the autumn leaves again.

Sign of Spring #2...nearly budding tulips that my ever so thoughtful husband bought me last year, potted, and kept in the basement until it was safe for them to make an appearance

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Future's So Bright...where did I put those stupid shades again?

The other day I was trying to imagine life with Little Y. I was thinking of things we could do this summer, granted she will just be a wee one but there's no reason the newbie and I can't tool around this summer while on maternity leave.

I was having pleasant thoughts of the things we would do, the places we would go when ugly thoughts of school dared to invade. How will I do that, I'll have to work around classes etc...then it dawned on me, there is no school in my future! Only a blissful maternity leave and bright future to look forward to.

Resuming my pleasant thoughts....
Taking a day trip to an oceanside town
Reading non text books
Spending time with Little Y exploring our neighborhood
Taking Little Y out on the deck in the pack and play, she sleeps and I read or knit
Taking tons of pictures, capturing each giggle and coo
Adjusting to motherhood without the heaviness of school sitting on my chest

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

Vermont Foliage

This weekend, M and I went to see the in laws way up in the Kingdom. Northeast Kingdom, that is. No, I'm not joking, that's how they refer to it. These pics reveal why....