Friday, August 13, 2010

Mom's Night Off

Last night, I got a night off. M plays in a band and resumed practice on Monday night which meant that I was home with A all day, saw M for dinner, then he had to run off to practice, it was about 14-16 hours of straight baby care. And it was a fussy day for A, let's just say it was a long day. The agreement all along was that I would get a night away since M would continue with band practice.

This week, I chose to use my time on Thursday night. I was trying to come up with places to go and things to do, then I realized I just wanted time to do some things for myself around the house. I chose to do an exercise video (this post baby ring around my stomach isn't going anywhere on it's own, people), knit, and watch the latest episode of Mad Men. I secluded myself up in our bedroom and made it most of the way through the episode before I found her crying too jarring to continue.

Maybe next time I'll actually go somewhere....but it was still nice to have a few hours where I could just chill sans baby.

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