Last Friday, I got out of work a little bit early and thought I would head to my local retailer to see what the early Fall lines look like. What a disappoinment! I know I said this last year, but seriously, I feel like no one is putting any effort into designing the clothes. Maybe I need to shop at more inventive stores...maybe I'm just old.
Store after store, it was very basic clothes in very boring colors. I think I wrote a post almost exaclty like this heading into last fall. I should go back in look, my memory fails me in my old age. I went to Banana republic, same old same old and in the same boring colors they have had forever. Gap, another stand by, same old same old. Was slightly intrigued by an olive green v-neck which was $39.50, I of course have been shopping long enough to know this will come down at the end of August and I'll buy it then. I did see one very very soft flesh tone leather bag that I liked there, for the price of $168. That's a definite wait and see item.

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