Monday, April 27, 2009

Power Up

This weekend we went to more open houses, out of the 6 + that we saw one was close to what we are looking for. It was a cape style house with a nice backyard, a seemingly nice neighborhood (if we were willing to look the other way at the collection of men across the street holding beer cans without their shirts on). The house itself was mostly updated except the kitchen was smallish and hadn't been updated, but wasn't nearly as outdated as some of the other things we've seen. I was slightly confused the by layout, they had 4 bedrooms but made the bedroom on the ground floor into a TV room, and what I would have thought of as the living room was used as a 'sitting room'.

The concerns with this house is that the basement wasn't finished, so that would be something we would have to do. It's close to a swampy area which means tons of mosquitos in summer. Also, there are plans to build a power plant within 2 miles of the house, although it looks like these plans have been stalled for some time. I started looking at zoning maps and what not last night, and what exactly it means to be that close to a power plant. Basically, it's not great but on the other hand there are so many power plants here it would be impossible to avoid the effects completely. I stumbled on one report last night that suggested that effects are felt from 10-20 miles from the power plant. I then googled to see the nearest power plant to us now and there are several in the city so I'm apparently already feeling the effects of it.

Decisions, decisions. The search continues.

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