Boigie had his bimonthly trip to the vet yesterday to see if the adjustments in his insulin level are working, this time it was too much! Poor BBC needed an IV to give him dextrose because his blood sugar dipped very low mid way through the day. He came home with a very cute little bandage and a shaved leg. He now looks like he's wearing one mitten or an Ugg boot.
He gave us really no signs that he was hypoglycemic the night prior to, but of course, hind sight is 20/20. We did notice two things but didn't really think anything of it because they were exaggerations of his normal behavior. He seemed slightly more lethargic in the evening and then began meowing for food at 1am instead of 3am. That was it though. The vet said that even as his blood sugar was low he was acting normally for them too and apparently exhibited quite an appetite!
So now, we are holding insulin because his fructoasmine level which is the average of his blood sugars over the past week was also low. There is a slight chance that with the diet switch and the loss of some poundage, our young Boigleston's pancreas has started making it's own insulin again and we won't need to provide it for him. We are holding on the insuling for two weeks, he'll go back and have another fructosamine level drawn and we'll go from there.
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