Sunday, October 5, 2008

I can't believe I'm paying $65/Month for This!

So I've had two less than desirable experiences with my gym in the past week.

Exhibit A
I walk in and notice signs stating that membership dues are going up as of October 1. I decide to inquire as to how much it's going up.
Me: How much are the dues going up in October
Girl at Desk: I don't know.
Me: You don't know?
Girl at Desk: No.

No offer to find out, look up my account, an apology for not knowing....

Exhibit B
Today, I arrive for my Sunday morning work out, which frankly, takes some degree of motivation. Working out on a dreary chilly Sunday is probably not the top activity on my list, but I talked myself into it only to find that the equipment would also rather by lying dormant.

Treadmill #1-Programmed in all of my info and chose the running program I wanted and then just as I was about to hit start all of the display lights went dead. Unplug headphones, move to Treadmil #2.
Treadmill #2-Works but TV doesn't work and I didn't bring my iPod.
Treadmil#3-Doesn't work. I now notice that only 2 treadmills have any display lights on and only 1 treadmil in the sea of non working treadmills has an 'out of order' sign on it.
Development of Plan B: Elliptical.
Elliptical #1-See Treadmill #3 issue.

I decide to go to the front desk since none of the equipment I use at the gym is working. I am joined by another treadmill enthusiast who has noticed the same problem. The girl at the front desk was juggling phone calls and says this to us when she hangs up,"Did you guys have a question or something?" Yes, none of the treadmills or ellipticals are working. On the one I found that is working, the TV is not working..."Yeah, we're having electrical problems". Uh...Ok....??

So the girl and I turned around and left. A sign on the door AND an apology would have been nice. My $65 dollars a month should at least ensure politeness at the front desk, at the very minimum.

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