Thursday, August 21, 2008

Freebie Tix

For the second time in one year, I've won tickets through work to go to a Pat's game! We're going to tomorrow's game against the Eagles and we also have tickets to a tailgating party before hand. Last time, with extreme luck on my side, I won tickets to the Patriot's Jets play off game. It was so much fun and I seriously had the best Italian sausage I've ever had.

Both tickets are right around the 30 yard line, but pretty far up but the way the stadium is set up you can see everything from anywhere so it doesn't really matter.

I am super stoked that the T runs a commuter rail down there just for the game, it doesn't normal go there but they run it for special events. We're leaving work early to catch it, the other option is parking which is an arm and a leg ($30+ to park in someone's front yard and you have to get there very early to find it and deal with traffic on the way out).

So in conclusion, Go Pats and Italian sausage with everything here I come!

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