Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day Goings On

This weekend was the first Memorial Day weekend that was as nice as the weather people said it would be and it didn't rain. It seems like every Memorial Day, it rains somewhere in there. Not being much of a fan of warm weather, Memorial Day weekend marks my final salute to guaranteed comfortability until mid September. On Saturday night, M and I met up with a former coworker of mine who was in town from the Windy City. Seeing him again was great and I'm crossing my fingers that he'll be able to do his residency in this neck of the woods. Last nights cajoling led to a slight dehydration induced headache this morning but that did not throw off my plans to head back to my former stomping grounds in Quincy to spend an afternoon at Wollaston Beach. M had band practice for his show tomorrow night and he hates the beach and the sunburns it brings, so I thought it would be a great opportunity to head down. I grabbed On Beauty, the latest book I'm reading, and spread out a beach towel and relaxed for a few hours. I was pleased to see that there's been some revitalization of the beach; there's lots of new seating areas along the beach and it's just generally cleaned up a bit. Another great thing is this little kite stand:

People were fully taking advantage of it, there had to have been at least 40 kites in the sky. It was really amusing to watch kids as young as two trying to figure out how to get their kites up into the sky, one little boy was handed a really high flying kite to guide through the sky and the adult handing it to him yelled, " Up, up, and away!" and with that, he threw the kite handle into the sky and the kite took off. I was reminded how nice of a city Quincy is, lots of great little neighborhoods. Too bad the commute up 93 is so hellacious, I don't think M and I would consider moving to the South Shore because of it. I'm off to watch Boigie sniff the plants on the back porch while the sun is still out!

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