Ok, so I figured at some point my mom instincts would kick in with someone else's kid and it happened for the first time on Saturday. I was really bothered by this for the rest of the day and angry at this baby's mother.
I was at a local consignment shop checking it out to see if I can get A some clothes for daycare there ($2 for onesies and $5-6 for outfits is not a good deal to me when I can get them the same price at Target new). Anyway, there was another mother there with an 8-9month old who was crawling all over the dirty store floor.
The woman decides that she's buying some of the bigger items so the store owner helps her take them to the car and she leaves her kid in the store crawling around on the ground and the stores doors are open! Right outside the door, like two feet after you step out the door is the parking lot!
I watched him out of the corner of my eye and then he started crawling out the door. There was a small step to get out of the store and he of course, didn't compensate for it with his crawling and hit his poor little head on the step :(
I ran over and picked him up and carried him outside and asked the woman if he belonged to her and she said yes (not yes! thank you! oh my gosh!) I told her what happened and she just said, "I still forget that he crawls.."
So you planned to leave him alone unattended in the store, you just forgot that he crawled? Ugh, the whole situation really disturbed and disgusted me for the rest of the day. That poor little boy.