Thursday, December 31, 2009

NYE Homebody Style

Being the homebodies we are, we are spending a nice quiet evening at home for the following reasons:

1. It's cold and snowy, perfect night to stay in!
2. Add in a lot of drunk people who are convinced they are not and trying to drive in aforementioned conditions.
3. Hubbles is cooking for me! His famous timbalas, the meal he cooked for me the first time he came to my house back in our dating days. I remembering giggling at him becuase he brought all of his ingredients over in a cooler, even though he lived less than 20 miles from me!
4. We are going to spend the night playing Tetris Hot Lines!

So enjoy your NYE whether you're a homebody or a mover and a shaker :) I'm off to kick some Tetris butt.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Post Holiday Wrap Up

  • Classes done
  • Clinical done
  • Wonderful trip home for Christmas with no flight delays!
  • Cookies all turned out great this year, might have some new keepers for future years. The neighbors said they devoured them
  • Kitties back from boarding, did well and got good report cards!
  • Back to work today but it's dead here, thank god.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Cookie Day

Another successful cookie day has been had by one and all...

The menu for this year:
Snickerdoodle Sandwich cookies
Voted the best of the day by all participating. I used a recipe I found online for the actual snickerdoodle cookies and used the sandwich cookie idea from a Better Homes and Garden magazine from last year.

Peanut Butter Bites
Also quite good and considered a keeper for next year. The dough is nice and peanut buttery too. Basically, it's an inverse peanut butter blossom but using a Reese's pb cup. You place it in the center of the dough, put more dough on top so that it's completely encased. Espcially good warm!

Sugar Cookies
This year I found a recipe that uses cake mix. Very good and moist but I think I prefer the other two.

Puppy Chow
How can you go wrong with this?

I made one batch of each. We gave a bunch to S and A and some to our neighbors so we actually don't have many left. I may just send the rest with M to work if my willpower is measuring high tomorrow morning!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Weekend Recap

This weekend, I sort of picked out the cookies I'm going to make this year but the long list needs to become a shorter list. There are several variations on a theme that will be reduced to the best on the list (hopefully).

We also put out some Christmas lights on the porch and the shrubs. We always thought we had a ton of lights until we had something more to decorate than just a tree. For next year, we will need at least 4 more sets of lights but we're going to wait until everything is on clearance before we do that, especially since we aren't even here this year for Christmas. Next year, I would like to get some more of the red berry garland I got on clearance at Pottery Barn a few years ago. We have it going up some spindles on the top of the porch but it's a little sparse. I would also like to get some kind of green garland and bow for the little lamp we have outside near the driveway.

We also decided since we are not going to be here this year, we are going to skip the tree. I'm so burned out from life and the semester that it just seems like so much energy to go and pick out a tree in the cold. This also means that we would have to buy more lights and we briefly looked this weekend and things were really picked over or we couldn't find lights similar to what we already have. Our other concern is how Clete will be with the tree, he tries to eat everything so I'm pretty sure we have our answer. If we were hosting Christmas this year, we would certainly get one but the only people coming to our house before Christmas are S and A and the kids and I'm sure eldest E would love nothing more than to go after the ornaments on the tree. Doesn't seem worth it this year.

We also did our Christmas cards this weekend, just have to get the stamps so we can send them.

In upcoming holiday plans, we have a Christmas party this weekend at one of the band members house. He has a party every year where he airs National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, no one actually pays attention to it because we're all busy eating and drinking. He has a small one bedroom condo and crams about 40 people in there so it gets loud, so if anyone is actually interested in watching the movie they best do it on their own time.

The following weekend, S and A and the tiny ones are coming over to bake Christmas cookies. We have done it 3 out of the past 4 years and it's always a good time and I definitely eat my quota of cookie batter (even though I hear my mother scolding me like a little devil on my shoulder the whole time I'm doing it).

A few days after that we fly home! We're only there for a few days and most of those will contain holiday related goodness so I only have one night to hang out with J and meet her fiance! I'm really looking forward to seeing her, it's been quite awhile!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Sun Soaked Kitties

They've come along way....sharing the same sun soaked rug. This would not have flown a few months ago...

CoCoCoCoCookie Time

In 2 weeks, S and A and the tiny ones are coming to Y manor for our annual cookie baking festivities. I'm trying to decide on what cookies to make, I usually rely on's 12 Days of Cookie but it's Day 5 and they are relatively uninspired as far as my tastes go. I guess I will have to start my search elsewhere.

Here is what I made last year:
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Sugar Cookies
Ginger Crinkle
Vanilla Angels
Special K Bars

I feel like I can't not make the Chocolate Chip Cookies...that would be criminial. Then I am going to make sugar cookies using cake batter. The Ginger Crinkles were good but lots of work, so I might look for a variation on that. The Vanilla Angels were not good and I won't bother with those. If I do recall, I was required to buy whole vanilla beans at the cost of $12 and scrape out the innards to make vanilla sugar. Please. The Special K Bars were from the King Arthur Baking Sheet, those were good. I liked them more than Morgan though.

I think his work chums will benefit from the baking this year. After December 16, I won't be back at work until after the holidays. And we CERTAINLY do not need those delicious morsels sitting around the joint.

So my search will continue....I also have to make something to bring to S's party on Dec. 12th. I'm thinking of making these Salty Nut Bars that I made a few years back. They were very easy and quite a delicious morsel.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I think I can...I think I can

Almost there, folks. Sweet victory of semester's end is just around the corner. I have survived yet another semester. Well, perhaps I shouldn't jump the gun yet but sweet sweet victory is close enough to taste.

The remainder:
1 test online tonight
1 final in 2 weeks
1 class which does NOT involve a presentation by yours truly
60 hours of clinic crammed into 6 10 hour days

Then I am off until the end of January, although there are things we are supposed to be reviewing over break. Yeah, sure I will.....